Front entrance door, vinyl flooring, ceiling light point, useful storage cupboard, stairs to first floor accommodation and doors to kitchen, guest and lounge.
Carpeted flooring, TV & phone sockets, ceiling light point, radiator, window to front and French doors to kitchen.
Range of modern matching wall and base units incorporating cupboards, drawers and work surfaces, inset bowl sink and drainer with mono tap, oven and 4 ring hob with extractor fan, wall tiling, vinyl flooring, ceiling spot lights, space and plumbing for washing machine, fridge-freezer and dishwasher, space for table and chairs, window and French doors to the rear garden.
Suite comprising: w/c, hand wash basin, ceiling light point and window to front.
Carpeted flooring, ceiling light point, access to loft, window to side, doors off to four bedrooms, family bathroom and airing cupboard.
Built in wardrobe, carpeted flooring, radiator, ceiling light point, window to rear and door to en-suite.
Suite comprising: shower cubicle, wash hand basin, radiator, ceiling light point and window to side.
Carpeted flooring, ceiling light point, radiator, window to front and access to loft.
Carpeted flooring, ceiling light points, radiator and window to front.
Carpeted flooring, ceiling light points, radiator and window to rear.
White suite comprising: White suite comprising: bath, pedestal wash hand basin, W/C, vinyl flooring, ceiling light point, radiator and window to side.
At the front is a tarmac drive with parking for two vehicles which leads to the garage providing further parking. The private rear garden is enclosed by fenced borders with gated side access and features; patio area ideal for entertaining and a lawn.
Please contact us on 01543 889410 if you would like to arrange a viewing appointment for this property or require further information.
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